Ancient Egyptian Baby Cradles: Magic Behind Motherhood

Ancient Egyptian baby cradles were made of wood and reeds, designed with a slight curve to prevent the baby from rolling out of bed. These cradles were also decorated with ornate designs and were used in childbirth ceremonies.

In ancient Egypt, childbirth was performed while the mother squatted on two large bricks that were colorfully decorated with scenes invoking the magic of gods for the health and happiness of the mother and child. The cradles used for babies in ancient Egypt were similar to those used by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

They were an early form of furniture, evolving from hollowed-out tree trunks to oblong wood boxes with detachable rockers and later becoming more elaborate with carved designs and gilded bronze mounts.

The History Of Baby Cradles In Ancient Egypt

Introduction to baby cradles in ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptian baby cradles played a significant role in the lives of families during that time. These cradles had both practical and decorative features, showcasing the advanced craftsmanship of the ancient Egyptians. The origins and development of baby cradles in ancient Egypt remain uncertain, but they evolved from simple hollowed-out tree trunks to ornate, panelled and carved pieces of furniture. The cradles were usually made of wood and were supported on pillars, showcasing the fine artistry of their creators. One unique decorative element of ancient Egyptian baby cradles was the use of ‘birth bricks’. These bricks were beautifully decorated with scenes invoking the blessings of the gods for the health and happiness of both mother and child during childbirth. Archaeologists have discovered these rare ‘birth bricks’, shedding light on the customs and practices surrounding childbirth in ancient Egypt.

Symbolism And Significance Of Baby Cradles In Ancient Egyptian Culture

Symbolism And Significance Of Baby Cradles In Ancient Egyptian Culture

Ancient Egyptian Baby Cradles

Symbolism and Significance of Baby Cradles in Ancient Egyptian Culture

Magic and religious beliefs associated with baby cradles: In ancient Egypt, baby cradles held immense magic and symbolism. It was believed that the colorful scenes on the “birth bricks”, upon which women squatted to deliver their babies, invoked the magic of gods to ensure the health and happiness of both mother and child. However, these birth bricks were discovered only recently by archaeologists.

Protection and well-being for mother and child: The baby cradles served as a means to protect and provide well-being for the mother and child. The intricate designs and religious symbols on the cradles were believed to ward off evil spirits and ensure a safe and healthy upbringing for the baby.

Role of baby cradles in Egyptian society and rituals: Baby cradles held an important role in Egyptian society and rituals. They were used for naming ceremonies and were often passed down through generations as a cherished family heirloom. Cradles were also an integral part of religious rituals and were used during various festivities and celebrations.

Design And Construction Of Ancient Egyptian Baby Cradles

In ancient Egypt, the design and construction of baby cradles were highly intricate and reflected the rich culture and craftsmanship of the civilization. The materials used for these cradles varied, but common options included wood and reeds. These cradles featured unique features and craftsmanship, showcasing the skill and artistry of the Egyptians.

Over time, the design of baby cradles in ancient Egypt evolved. Different shapes and structures were introduced, catering to the comfort and safety of the infants. These cradles not only served as a place for the baby to sleep but were also symbolic of the cultural and religious beliefs of the Egyptians.

Although limited in archaeological evidence, the study of ancient Egyptian baby cradles provides insights into the daily lives and customs of this ancient civilization.

Frequently Asked Questions On Ancient Egyptian Baby Cradles

How Were Babies Delivered In Ancient Egypt?

In ancient Egypt, babies were delivered while the mother squatted on two decorated bricks to invoke the gods’ magic for health and happiness. There were no trained obstetricians or midwives, but numerous gods were believed to be present during childbirth.

How Was Pregnancy Treated In Ancient Egypt?

In ancient Egypt, pregnancy was not treated with medical care. There were no trained obstetricians or midwives available. Instead, people relied on the assistance and protection of various gods during childbirth.

Where Did Babies Sleep Before Cribs?

Before cribs, babies in ancient civilizations like Egypt slept in cradles made of wood and reeds. These cradles had a slightly curved design to prevent the baby from rolling out of bed. They were often decorated with ornate designs and carvings.

What Is The History Of The Baby Cradle?

The history of the baby cradle is ancient and its origins are unknown. Early cradles were made from hollowed-out tree trunks or oblong wood boxes with detachable rockers. They later evolved to be paneled, carved, and supported on pillars. In ancient Egypt, baby cribs were made of wood and reeds with a curved design to prevent the baby from rolling out.

The Greeks and Romans also used similar designs, often decorated with ornate details.


Ancient Egyptian baby cradles were a fascinating aspect of their culture. These cradles, made of wood and reeds, featured a curved design to prevent babies from rolling out. These ornately decorated cribs showcased the creativity and craftsmanship of ancient Egyptians.

The importance of childbirth and children in their society is evident in the care and attention given to these cradles. Through the discovery and study of these artifacts, we gain a deeper understanding of the ancient Egyptian civilization and their dedication to the well-being of their children.

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