How to Make a Bassinet More Comfortable: Tips & Tricks

To make a bassinet more comfortable, surround your baby with your scent, warm their space before sleeping, be aware of the lighting, use your touch to soothe, and use a sound machine and natural sound. Babies may feel restless in a bassinet because they are used to the cozy and secure environment of the womb.

They may crave the closeness and comfort they felt in the womb, leading to restlessness and difficulty settling down in the bassinet. It’s recommended to get your baby out of the bassinet as soon as they reach four to six months old if they appear uncomfortable or sleep in awkward positions.

Creating A Cozy Environment

Surround them with your scent
Place a worn shirt or blanket with your scent near the bassinet. The familiar smell can help comfort your baby and make them feel safe and secure.
Warm their space before sleeping
Using a heating pad, warm up the bassinet before placing your baby in it. The cozy temperature can mimic the warmth of the womb and help them relax.
Be aware of the lighting
Create a dim and soothing environment in the nursery by using soft lighting. Avoid bright lights that can disturb your baby’s sleep.
Use your touch to soothe
Gently stroke your baby’s head or belly to provide comfort and reassurance. Your touch can help them feel protected and calm.
Use a sound machine and natural sound
Play soft lullabies or white noise using a sound machine. The soothing sounds can drown out external noises and create a peaceful sleep environment.

Addressing Restlessness In The Bassinet

Understanding why babies are restless in the bassinet is crucial for addressing their restlessness and making the bassinet more comfortable. Babies are accustomed to the cozy and secure environment of the womb, where they felt closeness and comfort. Transitioning to a spacious bassinet can be overwhelming for them. To make the bassinet more comfortable, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Surround the baby with your scent to provide familiarity.
  • Warm up the bassinet before putting the baby down to create a cozy environment.
  • Pay attention to the lighting in the room, ensuring it is neither too bright nor too dark.
  • Use your touch to soothe the baby, gently patting or stroking them.
  • Utilize a sound machine or play natural sounds like white noise to create a calming atmosphere.

By implementing these techniques, you can help your baby feel more secure and comfortable in the bassinet, reducing their restlessness and difficulty settling down.

Identifying Discomfort In The Bassinet

Recognizing uncomfortable sleeping positions:

  • You might notice, while sleeping, your baby slithering diagonally and appearing scrunched, causing them to sleep in an uncomfortable position.

Knowing when to transition out of the bassinet:

  • For this reason, it’s recommended that you get your baby out of the bassinet as soon as they reach four to six months old.

The recommended age for transitioning:

  • As your baby grows, they will outgrow the bassinet and will need to transition to a larger sleeping space, such as a crib.

Troubleshooting Sleep Issues In The Bassinet

Addressing hunger as a potential cause
Make sure your baby is fed before putting them in the bassinet for sleep. Hunger can be a common reason for sleep disruptions, so try to establish a feeding schedule and ensure your little one is adequately nourished.
Dealing with gassiness
Gassiness can make it difficult for babies to settle in the bassinet. Help alleviate discomfort by burping your baby after feedings and keeping them upright for a short period of time to allow any trapped gas to escape.
Checking for a dirty diaper
A soiled diaper can make your baby uncomfortable and disturb their sleep. Regularly check for wet or dirty diapers and change them promptly to ensure your baby’s comfort in the bassinet.
Maintaining a comfortable temperature
Babies are sensitive to temperature changes. Ensure the bassinet is neither too hot nor too cold. Use appropriate bedding and dress your baby in comfortable clothing to help regulate their body temperature.
Establishing a day and night routine
Help your baby differentiate between day and night by establishing regular routines. During the day, keep the environment bright and engaging, while at night, create a calm and soothing atmosphere to encourage sleep in the bassinet.
Managing the startle reflex
Babies have a startle reflex that can disrupt their sleep. Swaddle your baby snugly to provide a sense of security and minimize any sudden movements that may wake them up in the bassinet.

Tips From Parents: Making Bassinet Cozier

When it comes to making a bassinet more comfortable, parents have shared some valuable insights on Reddit. One suggestion is to add personal touches to the bassinet to create a cozy environment for your baby. Surrounding them with your scent can provide a sense of familiarity and comfort. Additionally, warming their space before sleeping can help create a soothing atmosphere. Being aware of the lighting in the room is also important, as too much or too little light can impact your baby’s sleep. Using your touch to soothe your baby can provide a sense of security. Consider using a sound machine or playing natural sounds to create a calming ambiance. These small adjustments can make a big difference in making your baby’s bassinet more comfortable.

How to Make a Bassinet More Comfortable: Tips & Tricks


Frequently Asked Questions On How To Make A Bassinet More Comfortable

How Can I Make My Newborn Bassinet More Comfortable?

To make your newborn bassinet more comfortable: 1. Surround them with your scent. 2. Warm their space before sleeping. 3. Be aware of the lighting. 4. Use your touch to soothe. 5. Use a sound machine and natural sound.

Why Is My Baby So Restless In The Bassinet?

Babies may be restless in the bassinet because they are adjusting to the open space compared to the womb. They miss the coziness and security they felt before. They may need the warmth, scent, and touch they experienced in the womb to feel comfortable.

Using a sound machine can also help soothe them.

How Do I Know If My Baby Is Uncomfortable In Bassinet?

Babies may slither diagonally and appear scrunched up while sleeping, indicating discomfort in the bassinet. It is recommended to transition them out of the bassinet by four to six months old.

How Do I Get My Newborn To Sleep In His Bassinet When Struggling?

To help your newborn sleep in his bassinet when struggling: 1. Surround them with your scent. 2. Warm their space before sleeping. 3. Be aware of the lighting. 4. Use your touch to soothe. 5. Use a sound machine and natural sound.


In order to make a bassinet more comfortable for your little one, there are several key strategies you can implement. Surrounding them with your scent, warming their sleeping space, being mindful of lighting, using your touch, and incorporating a sound machine can all contribute to a cozy and soothing environment.

Additionally, paying attention to signs of discomfort and adjusting accordingly, such as addressing hunger, gas, or temperature, can greatly improve your baby’s sleep. Remember, a snug and inviting bassinet can make a world of difference in helping your newborn feel safe and secure.

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